The rise of open source models for software and hardware development has catalyzed the debate regarding sustainable business models. Open Source Software has already become a dominant part in the software industry, whereas Open Source Hardware is still… (mehr)
With the latest technological developments and associated new possibilities in teaching, the personalisation of learning is gaining more and more importance. It assumes that individual learning experiences and results could generally be improved when… (mehr)
Participatory approaches to teaching and learning are experiencing a new lease on life in the 21st century as a result of the rapid technology development. Knowledge, practices, and tools can be shared across spatial and temporal boundaries in higher… (mehr)
A stronger learner orientation through participatory learning increases learning motivation and results. But what does participatory learning mean? Where do learning factories and fabrication laboratories (FabLabs) stand in this context, and how can didactic… (mehr)
New technological applications such as Augmented Reality or Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) lead to alternative ways of learning. In order to be able to use this to its potential, the promotion of digital competencies “Digital Competence is the set… (mehr)