In the time of digitalization the demand for organizational change is rising and demands ways to cope with fundamental changes on the organizational as well as individual level. As a basis, learning and forgetting mechanisms need to be understood in order… (mehr)
Over the last 20 years, in context of higher education the potential of digital media has been recognised in order to facilitate learning. Nevertheless, digital learning formats are still applied rather optionally. In the present work, we examined how,… (mehr)
Der Beitrag adressiert die Herausforderung fehlender altersgerechter betrieblicher Weiterbildungsformate im Kontext der Anforderungen der Digitalisierung. Auf Basis einer Literaturanalyse wird zuerst der Stand der Forschung zum Thema zusammengefasst,… (mehr)
Todays working environment faces the major challenges of demographical change and digitalization. Deficit-oriented stereotypes question the ability of older employees to keep pace with these techno-logical innovations. Consequently, the elderly are perceived… (mehr)