Driving Digital Change

Research to increase the competitiveness of enterprises 
Our research focuses on socio-technical systems in business and administration, whose efficiency, quality, competitiveness and satisfaction are to be increased. Special attention is paid to the human being in interaction with increasingly autonomous systems. Self-organisation, autonomy and emergence raise numerous research questions, among others regarding their measurement and evaluation of empirical evidence of their effectiveness, but also regarding their generation, e.g. in adaptable socio-technical systems. 

Technological development and innovation
Numerous research and joint projects with highly competitive funding programs for science document our innovative strength. We support the transfer of knowledge to industry and transfer our research findings into practice. The concrete application is manifested in our outstanding research centres, which are an international centre of attraction for technological development and application. 

We build bridges between science and practice
The addressee of our research is the general public. Therefore we publish in visible international journals, make our research data available according to the principles of the DFG and create software tools according to the open source principle. We pursue the exploitation of our findings from basic research to applied research and spin-offs.


Neues aus unseren Blogs


GLITCH PHENOMENA 3.0 | Laura Ranglack  | 16.10.2024  | 4. Glitch-Artefakt in der Digitalvilla in Potsdam



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Zentrum Industrie 4.0

GESUCHT: Die beste Smart Factory Software - Die Factory Innovation Awards

Über den Factory Innovation Award Die Software in der Fabrik ist das Rückgrat von Industrie 4.0,…

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31 | Winter 2020/2021

Executive Coaching, Weizenbaum Institute - Further Funding, Centre Industry 4.0 - new building, News of the department

Latest news

LSWI wins "Innovative Teaching Projects 2020"
Even in uncertain times, we want to drive forward positive developments in teaching and studies. In our new teaching project (beginning winter term 2020), an innovative method of scenario building on current and future relevant topics will be applied. This method was developed for the first time by our research partners at Hong Kong Polytechnic University in the team of Professor Eric Tsui.

More Information

How the coronavirus impacts our work - Prof. Dr. Norbert Gronau explaining the effects of home office on creative and knowledge-intensive processes: Deutsche Welle News

Keep well!
The LSWI wishes you all the best, a lot of patience and best health for the next weeks.


Chair of Business Informatics, Processes and Systems
University of Potsdam
Digitalvilla am Hedy-Lamarr-Platz
Karl-Marx-Straße 67
14482 Potsdam

University of California, Davis
> visit website

Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftsinformatik,
Prozesse und Systeme

Stellenbosch University
> visit website

Tel Aviv University
> visit website

University of Pretoria
> visit website

Hong Kong Polytechnic University
> visit website

Internationale Kooperationen der LSWI Potsdam

Global Research Excellence

The Chair of Business Informatics, Processes and Systems researches on a local, regional and global level.

A large number of publications published with external co-authors document the national and international networking of our research. Our international reputation is manifested in research cooperations and partnerships with Hong Kong Polytechnic University, the University of California, Davis, the University of Pretoria, the Stellenbosch University in South Africa and the Tel Aviv University.

Promoting Open Access

Science thrives on the open exchange and development of ideas. Therefore data and findings from previous research must be freely accessible and usable. With our online publication catalogue we are establishing the culture of open knowledge exchange and publishing our research results free of charge for the scientific community and the general public.

to publication catalogue

Global Research Excellence

Our research is committed to the challenges of digital transformation in business and society. In this context, we actively contribute to making knowledge effective and enabling progress through numerous research and collaborative projects. Our close ties to industry, commerce and the software industry are always a driving force for the five interdisciplinary research groups.

to research excellence

External Research Funding 2018 - 2019

External Research Funding 2018 - 2019

External Research Funding - An award for our strength of ideas

Based on our excellent research results, we obtain a considerable proportion of our state budget from third-party funds, which additionally account for a volume of over 2 million euros of the chair's total state budget.

These funds come from a variety of sources, both public and private, but most of all from the highly regarded science funding. We are gratefully receiving current and past funding from:

  • Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung BMBF
  • Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG
  • Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie BMWi / Arbeitsgemeinschaft industrieller Forschungsvereinigung AiF
  • Industry partner

to research projects